Sunday, March 18, 2018

City Crawling

City Crawling

Mapping is a bastard game and attempting to map a whole city or even part of a city is an extremely time consuming endeavor best reserved for only the heartiest of worldbuilders or urban planning fetishists.

City Crawl Rules: Getting Around Town

Distance in a city is an abstract thing. Rarely does one ever get something like “2.5 miles to the north” or “ten blocks downtown.” Instead you get approximates and abstracted distances like “around the corner” and “a country mile.” To represent this, distance in a city is done via a Distance Die that functions as a usage die. Use the below chart to help you figure out what Distance Die to assign for the trip.

Just around the corner: d4 (about 2 blocks away)

It’s in the neighborhood: d6 (about 7 blocks away)

Going to be a hike: d8 (about 16 blocks away)

On the other side of town: d10 (about 30 blocks away)

Might as well be on the other side of the planet: d12 (about 50 blocks away)

When rolling the Distance Die, if the roll is 1-2 then the usage die is downgraded to the next lower die in the following chain: d20 > d12 > d10 > d8 > d6 > d4. When no more Distance Die is left the party has arrived at is destination.

Every time you roll the Distance Die, roll a d6, on a roll of a 1, roll on the City Encounters Table. If keeping track of time, every time you roll the Distance Die, another Exploration Turn (or about 10 minutes) has passed.

Turning Around and Detouring

The PCs can opt to ‘turn around’ or make a detour from an encounter before they get too stuck in. If they choose to do so stop rolling off of the current Distance Die and roll on a new d4 Distance Die. Once that has depleted, start rolling on the original Distance Die.

Asking for Directions

PCs can attempt to ask for directions for local NPCs by using an appropriate social skill or test. If successful roll twice on the Distance Die and take the lowest. It takes an Exploration Turn and also provokes a roll of a d6 just like a roll on the Distance Die would.

There and Back Again

If the PCs have gone from point A to point B before the trip is one step down on the Distance Die. This does not apply if it is the other way around (like if they have been to point B and are returning to point A).

City Crawl Rules: Friends and Enemies

While out and about in the city the PCs will make friends and enemies. Keep track of what friends or enemies the party and individual PCs make. These individuals may come to the PCs aid or hindrance when the Judge deems appropriate. Give each friend and enemy that the PCs have a Usage Die of d4. Every time this individual is called up, roll the Usage Die. If a 1 or a 2, they are no longer friends/enemies with the PCs. (Or just use your best Judgment!)


City Encounters


Quiet Streets: No Encounter, but if the PCs have made an enemy (or have some other sort of comeuppance due) now would be a good time to strike. Unless things get extremely out of hand, the City Guard will not show.


A good time for a plot hook or something from the Anarchy Index to take place.


A roll on a local district table


Food Wagon: A cart filled with food has drawn a large crowd. Roll a d6 to see what the hub-bub is about. 1=Exotic foreign foods; 2=Healthy superfood; 3=Fancy pastries or confections; 4=Traditional rustic meals; 5=Cheap and fast; 6=Something weird or other worldly. All are expensive but gain d4 temporary HP if you indulge the fancy.


Drunks: 2d6 drunks. Roll d4 to see their attitude 1=Boors, they demand the PCs drink with them (refusal will make an enemy - roll on the 'd20 Made an Enemy/Friend Table'; 2=Dancing; 3=Happy “rounds for my new pals!”; 4=Violent! Get ready to fight (all are level zero commoners).


Large Crowd: Large crowd of people. Unless they stick together the PCs will get separated. (Roll a d6 for each PC, on a 1 roll on the Encounter table again).


Workgang: A workgang is out in the streets repairing or fixing a construction problem. The gang consists of a foreman and 4d6 workers/slaves. Roll a d6 to see what they are doing. 1-2=Cleaning the sewers. There is a 2-in-6 chance that they trigger an event on the Sewers District table; 3-4=Repairing a damaged building roll a d6 to see how it was damaged 1=Wizard duel or arcane experiment out of hand; 2=Fire; 3=Some sort of natural disaster; 4=Dilapidated or condemned; 5=City Guard Raid; 6=Monster attack; 5=Just standing about. ‘Our taxes at work!’ shouts a passerby;

6=Throwing insults/cat calls to passersby including the PCs.

There is a 3-in-6 chance that their work will be blocking the streets and will need a detour to avoid.


Local Trouble: 2d6 locals (2-in-6 chance of being first level fighters of thieves, if not a level zero commoner) taunt and jeer at the party unless they are well known in the City. The PCs may be seen as weak or dishonorable unless they stand up to them.


Flirts: d6 flits make eyes at the PCs. If the PCs ignore their advances roll on the 'd20 Made an Enemy/Friend Table' for a new enemy. If the PCs entertain their advances there is a 2-in-6 chance that the flirt becomes infatuated with them. Potential wedding bells in the future, angry family, or a mad stalker (“If I can’t have you no one can!”).


Pedants: 2d6 pedants arguing, roll a d6 to see about what 1=Theology; 2=Law; 3=Fashion; 4=Politics; 5=Food; 6=Sports. 2-in-6 chance that this ends in bloodshed. May also ask the PCs for their opinion (depending on how they stand may make a friend or enemy of one party or both).


Foppish Dualist: Bets 50gp that he can strike first blood in a one-one-one combat. Fights as a fifth level fighter. Wields a Rapier (d6+1) and wears an overly elaborate breastplate and buckler (as Chainmail and shield). If defeated there is a 2-in-6 chance that in the future he will challenge that PC to a rematch (preferably at the most inopportune time).


Escaped Creature: Most likely scared and hostile. Roll d4: 1=Pet (Dog, Cat, Bird or something weird) 2=Beast of Burden (Horse, Mule, Giant Lizard, something weird) 3=Wild Animal (Lion, Tiger, Bear, something weird) 4=Horror (Undead, Ooze, Monster, or something very weird)


Pickpockets: d6 pickpockets. 2-in-6 chance that they will attempt to pickpocket a PC (roll for each PC). Will not pickpocket any member of the local Thieves Guild.


Day Laborers: Large group of individuals looking for work. Henchmen that work for chump change (d6 copper or a good meal/drink). Up to 2d6 are recrutable. Will stick with the PCs until the next sun-down. Will bolt at the first sign of combat. If you use a random profession table, roll once for each. If the day goes well they might stay on (contract negotiable).


Hustler: Shady person in a leather cloak will attempt to sell the part some stolen goods. If pressed for his source he will inform the PCs that they 'fell off the back of the wagon'. Roll a d6 to see what goods they are offering for sale. 1=Scrolls and Occult Texts (25% discount); 2=Potions (25% discount); and Poisons; 3=Magic Wands (25% discount, missing much of their charges); 4=Gems (50% discount, 3-in-6 chance of being cursed); 5=Magic Items (25% discount, 2-in-6 chance of being drained of all uses or just gussied up mundane items); 6=Illegal Drugs or poisons; 7=Mounts (50% discount but 4-in-6 chance of them being stolen or on the verge of death); 8=Maps, Deeds, and other forged papers.


Beggars: 1d4 beggars will ask for spare change or alms. If given at least 1gp in change or goods will give a rumor (and confirm if it is true or not).


Ruffians: 2d6 ruffians (First level Thieves). “Give us what’s in your pocket.” They talk a tough game but will bail at the first convenient opportunity if the City Guards show or if combat occurs.


Tails: d4 shabby hobos, unemployed youths, or other urban miscreants follow the PCs. If the PCs have made an enemy recently they will give their location to the enemy (assaulting them at the next available opportunity). If the PCs get into combat they will attempt to steal from them at the first possible opportunity or join in if they look like they might get something out of it.


Troublemakers: 3d6 children in a gang pelt the PCs from above with rocks, bottles, and trash. Will not leave the PCs alone until they pay them 10gp.


Drug Addicts: d6 obvious Drug Addicts harangue the PCs for 10gp each. Will come up with some sort of pathetic excuse (“I just need this one last fix and I'm clean for good – swears it!” “My kids are starving! Have a heart!” etc.) 2-in-6 chance that they attack if the PCs refuse. All with have at least 1 usage of their chosen drug.


Street Hawkers: Aggressively selling goods. Roll d4 to see what kind. 1=Snacks or Drinks (50% discount, but 1-in-6 chance of having to save or catch a disease); 2=Knickknacks and tchotchkes (2-in-6 chance of a magical or wondrous item being on sale for WAY below market price); 3=Counterfeit goods (25% discount but 3-in-6 chance that it breaks when first used or is snake oil); 4=General goods (nothing more than a gp). 1-in-6 chance that the City Guard will send them running every minuet they deal with the PCs. Suffice to say, they talk and move fast and pick up ‘shop’ once they make a deal.


Pranksters: A group of youths attempt to pull a grand prank and need the PCs help. 2-in-6 chance that it backfires.


Nobles on the Move: The noble and they and their entourage (1d6 d4 level fighters and an additional 3d6 level 0 commoner sycophants) will tell the party and everyone else on the street to “MAKE WAY PEASENTS!” Will shove the PCs of they do not move. If they still do not move after that, combat.


Street Performers: Roll on the 'd20 Street Performers' table.


Auction: Someone's debts caught up with them. Auctioneers are have dragged out all of their possessions out into the street and are selling them to the highest bidder. Most of the good stuff is gone, but plenty of art, furniture, and knickknacks are for sale. 2-in-6 chance of there being a magical or wondrous item for sale.


Riot: Throngs of people (10d6) have taken to the streets to vent frustrations. Roll d6 to see who is rioting. 1=Students; 2=The Poor and/or slaves; 3=Demi-human or monstrous race; 4=Political faction; 5=Sports team fans; 6=Tavern brawl WAY out of control. City Guard may attempt to press gang the PCs to help suppress the riot.


Procession: Parade of floats/icons/celebrants block the street as large crowds of people cover the sidewalks. Roll d6 to see what it is all about. 1=Local guild; 2=Religious procession; 3=Nobles showing off wealth; 4=Military parade; 5=Local holiday; 6=Celebration of birth/wedding/life of an important local.


Brat: The spoiled child of a nobleman spots something he wants that the PCs have. The nobleman will attempt to buy it from them (up to 100gp on hand or up to 1000gp in other goods (property, stocks, slaves, etc)). They will hire assassins if the PCs refuse to sell.


Mistaken Identity: One of the PCs looks like 1=Long dead hero/villain; 2=Gang member who narc'd/was exiled/is wanted/has a bounty on his head; 3=Father/mother of an orphan; 4='That son of a bitch who owes me money!”


Shake down!: Roll to see who is shaking the party down and for how much d4 and d4

1=The City Guards; 2=Someone posing as the guards; 3=Local mobsters or gang; 4=Local temple 'when was the last time you tithed!' Fee: 1=1gp; 2=10gp 3=100gp; 4=1000gp.


Halt Right There Criminal Scum!: City Guards on the chase, they offer a reward for assistance to catch their prey (also will put the PCs in the good graces of the City Guard). Roll d6 to see who they are chasing 1=Person with bloody knife; 2=Child with a loaf a bread; 3=Masked vigilante with cape who jumps from rooftop to rooftop; 4=Mutant, monstrous humanoid, or demi-human; 5=Squad of well-armed, well dressed, masked individuals totting sacks filled with loot; 6=Someone in the wrong place at the wrong time. If the PCs refuse to assist the City Guard may think that they are assisting the criminals.


Money for Nothing: Foreman waves down the PCs and explains that his workers have bailed on him. Offers 10x the normal rate for the work, but is nervous as all get. Roll d4 to see what the job is 1=Escorting a wagon city; 2=Digging a hole; 3=Moving some boxes; 4=Destroying a condemned building


Assassination!: PCs arrive 'in media res' on an assassination attempt on an individual. Roll on the “d20 Made an Enemy/Friend Table” to see who that is. If the PCs help save them they are now a friend (and have angered the assassin who will show up at the most inopportune time). If the PCs refuse to assist, and the target manages to survive they become an enemy. If the PCs refuse to assist, and the target dies, they become suspects in the murder.


Hunters: A group of hunters attempt to recruit the PCs to help them hunt down their quarry which is nearby. Roll d6 to see what their prey is d6 1=Group of demi-humans; 2=Local monster that has been attacking the area; 3=Criminal organization; 4=Rouge wizard; 5=Restless spirits; 6=Cult


The Clergy: 2d6 Priests (first level clerics) out and about. Roll d4 1=Humanitarian mission (heal the sick, feed the poor, etc.); 2=Collecting tithes from anyone that gets nearby; 3=Out on the town; 4=Hopped up on a crusading rhetoric, looking for a fight.


The Upper Crust: 2d4 wealthy citizens that may or may not be in the right neighborhood. Each has d6x100 worth of gold, jewelry, fancy clothes etc. on them. 3-in-6 chance that each is armed. If in the wrong neighborhood, they will ask the PCs to escort them to the destination (“For a fee, of course”).


The ‘Well Educated’: 2d12 students milling about. 3-in-6 chance they are drunk, high, or making a ruckus. The locals want them gone. Get a friend on the 'd20 Made an Enemy/Friend Table' if you can get them to leave.


Madness!: Insanity appears to be contiguous on this block, roll d4 to see what kind 1=Depression; 2=Mania; 3=Rage; 4=Visionary. Save or comedown with the madness.


Rival Adventuring Party: Looking to go where the PCs just were or are going to go. Willing to buy/sell/trade maps, supplies, and henchmen.


Petty Crimes: Roll d6 to see what. 1=Graffiti; 2=Vandalism; 3=Public intoxication; 4=Disorderly conduct; 5=Reckless riding; 6=Unlawful discharge of firearms or magic. 2-in-6 chance that the City Guard shows up (high or lower depending on how nice the area is).


Plague: The street is covered in the diseased, either dead, dying, or somewhere in between covered in open sores and buboes, crying for aid. Any interaction will prompt a save or catch their disease. Help the sick and get a friend on the 'd20 Made an Enemy/Friend Table'. Ignoring the plague causes it to spread. Roll 2d6 when moving block to block for the rest of the journey. If the second roll is also a 1 treat that as another plague encounter (if both are ones, roll for the encounter and it is also a plague encounter).


Sewer Failure: The sewers in this district have failed backing up into the streets. Save or catch a disease from the filthy conditions. 3-in-6 chance that the backup has brought up horrible creatures from the sewers (giant rats, oozes, undead, otyughs, mutants, etc.)


Preach It!: A peasant has been possessed by religious fever (or maybe a demi-god, demon, or is just plain nuts). They command the crowd to build a new temple. Roll a d6 to see what the crowd thinks

1=Heretic!; The crowd turns hostile on the preacher, they end up pleasing with the PCs to save them; 2=Meh; The crowd ignores the preacher. Soon the City Guard comes to take they away; 3=Meh; The crowd ignores the preacher. Soon members of another religion come to make an example of this heretic; 4=Meh; The crowd ignores the preacher; 5=Meh; The crowd ignores the preacher. They get a few coppers and silver at their feet as donations however; 6=I see the light! Religious fervor sweeps the crowd and a mad rush for funds and building equipment begins.


The Tarts: d6 harlots, 2-in-6 chance of being accompanied by their pimp (d6th level thief)

Roll a d6 to see what’s going on 1=Fighting one another. If the pimp is not here it will result in the death or serious maiming of one of the harlots unless someone intercedes; 2=Busted by the City Guards. If the pimp is present he will be attempting to bribe his way out. The harlots are on their own. The Guards may call for witnesses; 3=One of the harlots is not there willingly and discreetly approaches the PCs for a way out; 4=They know where the freaky stuff is. Kinks? Drugs? You name it these harlots know where to find it. 2-in-6 chance of it being a set up however; 5-6=Working the street as harlots are want to do.


Fight for Your Rights!: A group on the lower rungs of society is protesting the streets for equal rights or better treatment roll d6 1=Slaves; 2=Mutants; 3=Demi-humans, single race; 4=Demi-humans, mix of races; 5=Monstrous humanoids; 6=Undead. 2-in-6 chance that the City Guard comes and breaks its up (more or less depending on how nice the area is).


Livestock?: Cows, chickens, pigs, giant lizards, etc. are being driven through the city to a slaughterhouse. As the PCs pass one begs for its freedom. Roll a d4 to see what it says. 1=“I have been polymorphed against my will!”; 2=“I am a prince/princess who has been transformed by my evil stepmother/evil witch/usurper to the throne!”; 3= “I am a god who has taken this form to visit the moral realm”; 4= “I grant wishes!”


Anti-Adventures: Adventures are known for causing almost as many problems as they fix. A group of locals spots the PCs and under cries of “Murderhobos go home!” begins to assault them. 2d6 d4 level fighters and thieves. Drawing blood against them only proves their point, roll on the d20 Made an Enemy/Friend Table and gain a new enemy if the PCs do just that.


Slavers: 2d6 opportunistic slavers (d4 level fighters), looking for an easy score. Will attempt to subdue the PCs, not kill them, fighting with nets and clubs.


Strange Weather: Unnatural weather seems to be affecting this area roll d6 to see the meteorological conditions 1=Heat wave; 2=Cold snap; 3=Freak storm; 4=Eclipse; 5=Violent lighting storm 6=Something weird (micro-meteorite hailstorm, raining blood from a lacerated sky, anti-rain that draws moisture out of anything it touches, melted wax, knife rain).


Wizard Business: Wizards, known for having no scene of right or wrong, are mercurial at best. Roll d4 to see what this one’s deal is. 1=Giving out some sort of laser light show, save or be mesmerized for the next d4 hours; 2=Summoning all sorts of weird creatures; 3=Some sort of dadaesque performance art or really weird ritual. Will attempt to recruit the PCs to assist; 4=Necromancer (third level magic user) and 2d6 zombies looking for some fresh bodies.


Pack of Wild Dogs: Mange infested and hungry, 3d6 in total. Might be able to be bribed with food. 3-in-6 chance of a Dire Wolf alpha male as well.


Were-creature: Whatever is appropriate to the area (wolf or rat in general). 2-in-6 chance of a ‘bite and run.’


Swarm of Vermin: Creepy crawlers cover the block attacking all those near. Roll d4 to see what kind of pests it is. 1=Rats; 2=Snakes; 3=Bats or Birds; 4=Insects


Mercenaries: A mercenary band looking for a fight. 2d6 first level fighters, with a level d4 captain. Recruitable if you best them and show mercy.


Chemical Accident: Toxic Spill or Alchemy mishap has created miasmas and puddles of goop on this street. Save or gain a mutation.


Fire!: A building is on fire with 2d6 individuals trapped inside. If the PCs are able to save them, roll on the d20 Made an Enemy/Friend Table and gain a new friend.


Agents of the End Times!: Fanatics claims PCs are the heralds of the apocalypse and the only way to stop (or start) the apocalypse is to kill them. Fifth level cleric leads a mix of 2d6 d4 level fighters, clerics, and thieves all in robes and cowls.


Reverse Pickpocket: Someone plants something on one of the PCs d4 1=Stolen loot; 2=Bloody dagger; 3=Lit bomb; 4=Occult or otherwise banned literature.


Town crier: Yelling out a rumor from your random rumors table, selling pamphlets that spell out the details for a copper each.


Hate: Group of individuals (2d6 level 1 fighters) hate the PCs because they are 1=the wrong class 2=the wrong race 3=the wrong religion 4=the wrong political affiliation. They will not care if one of the PCs are the same whatever they are (calling them a 'traitor for affiliating with the others').


Guards Barricade: The city Guard has set up a road black here, either searching for something preventing anyone from getting around while they ask questions. There is a 2-in-6 chance that it is something the PCs know or have.


Party: The players are invited to a party hosted by someone (roll on the d20 Made an Enemy/Friend Table). Refusal would be a major faux pas (said person is now an enemy). Roll d6 to determine the party 1=Birthday party (better have the right gift, or said person is now an enemy!); 2=Dinner party (bring a dish); 3=Tea party (manors please!); 4=Costume party; (better have a good one, there's a contest with a 500gp reward); 5=Religious holiday (better figure out what religious holiday it is) 6='Swingers' party (the password is ‘oooooooorgy’, and they have a great buffet).


Investment Opportunity: Merchant (or huckster) offers a once-in-a life time investment opportunity approaching the PCs as potential investors asking for ‘seed money’. PCs can give any amount of money they deem appropriate. Roll d6 1-3=Scam or bust, lose the money; 4=Scam, and the debtors come after you; 5=Wash come out d6gp richer in a month’s time; 6=Jackpot! D20x you initial investment after a month’s time.


Barbarians!: Either drunked up or riled up by some sort of city folk ways they are bashing and smashing their way through the streets looking for a fight. 3d6 first level fighters and a d4 level chieftain. While stopping them would earn the respect of locals (roll on the d20 Made an Enemy/Friend Table for a new friend) the Barbarians will hold the grudge, coming back at the most inconvenient time for the PCs.


Street Collapse: Part of the street ahead has collapsed in revealing something hidden below roll d6 to see what. 1=Monster lair; 2=Crypt with restless dead; 3=Illicit operation; 4=Dungeon; 5=Sewers; 6=The Underdark.


Lost Child: Lost child seeks their parent. If successfully found gain a friend on the “d20 Made an Enemy/Friend Table.” 1-in-6 chance that the parent does not want them back.


Gang Warfare: Two gangs are brawling it out roll 6d6 to see how many gangers are fighting for each side. The PCs may be pressed into one of the two sides, or by the City Guard who show up on a 1-in-6 chance every round after combat starts.


Pamphleteer: Someone is distributing pamphlets for one cause or the other. Roll d4 to see the mood 1=People are throwing the pamphlets to the ground after receiving them; 2=A small crowd is gathering; 3=A large crowd is gathering and is riled up 4= A large crowd is gathering and is riled up and so is the City Guard.


Bring out your dead!: A cart full of corpses rolls by but something is off. Roll d4 to see what is going on. 1=Plague victims, save or disease; 2=Viscera cleanup, many loose parts are falling off the back of the cart. 3-in-6 chance that it will be attacked by scavengers or ghouls; 3=The collector is willing to buy any corpse (or anything needing disposal) no questions asked for a fee of 50gp;

4=Necromancer in disguise. D6 level magic-user or cleric with 3d6 zombies in his cart looking for more ‘fresh’ specimens.


Fight!: Two individuals (roll twice on the 'd20 Made an Enemy/Friend Table') are engaged in combat with one another. Both will attempt to get the PCs on their side. If the PCs pick sides, the side the ally with is now a friend and the side they do not ally with is now and enemy. 1-in-6 chances that the City Guard breaks it up every round (more or less depending on how nice the area is).


Roll Twice: Combine both events.

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