Saturday, March 17, 2018

On Cantrips

Cantrips are the bippity-boppitty-bullshit spells that wizards sling all the time. The stuff in Fantasia is all cantrips. They are '0-level' spells. They are hedge magic. They are the first thing a wizard learns when they are an apprentice. Wizards cast cantrips all the damn time. Cantrips are the spells that wizards do to impress peasants and nobles. Cantrips are 'snap of the fingers' spells. They make wizards feel more magical.

Cantrips should be:
Easy to learn
Have simple effects
Cause no (direct) damage
Are able to be cast quickly
Do not need to be prepared and do not get exhausted (unlimited vs limited)
Incur no (direct) saves

Rules for Cantrips
MU/Elves/Other Casters can learn cantrip
MU/Elves/Other Casters can learn a number of cantrips up to their INT (or other primary casting stat) score
MU/Elves/Other Casters start with three cantrips
Non-MU/Elves/Other Casters can learn a number of cantrips up to their INT mod.

Rules for Cantrips
Unless otherwise stated, all cantrips duration a life of 10 minutes (1 Exploration Turn).
Cantrips can be cast at no action (they are all ‘snap of the finger’ sort of spells) but no more than one can be cast per turn [[This of course can be overruled by the Judge if appropriate]].
Cantrips should NEVER deal direct damage.
Cantrips all have a range of Nearby unless otherwise stated.
Anything affected by a cantrip has a slight ‘glimmer’ to it, an easy give away under a close inspection.
If the caster is ever knocked out or otherwise incapacitated the cantrip dispels.

Summon/Exterminate Vermin:
This cantrip summons a single insect or small rodents into the casters hand (like a mouse, bee, or spider). This creature will never deal direct damage and will follow a simple command (like 'go over there' or 'land on that' or 'build a web here'). Conversely, the caster can use this to kill one similar creature. This applies to non-magical creatures. Abuse of this cantrip will cause the caster to be infested with vermin.

Animate Tool:
This cantrip animates a single simple tool to do a single repetitive task. This must be a tool that the caster knows how to use and the task must be something that they can do themselves. Weapons are unaffected by this cantrip. Abuse of this cantrip will cause the tools to fight back.

This cantrip allows the caster to remotely open/close any door, window, chest, etc. provided it is unlocked and the caster would be able to open the object themselves. The caster may choose how fast or slow they want this to take place. Abuse of this cantrip will cause all door/windows etc to jam shut for the caster.

This cantrip allows the caster to generate a cloud of smoke a color of their choosing. The smoke will act like mundane smoke and slowly begin to rise or dissipate depending on the weather conditions. Abuse of this cantrip will cause the caster to smoke from their ears (or other orifice if they lack ears).

This cantrip allows the caster to clean/dirty a single person or a 10’ x 10’ area. This includes dust, dirt, grime, surface rust, tools, dishes, windows, etc. This cantrip does not affect any bodily fluids (blood, etc.), nor can it be used to make any bodily fluids. The target of this cantrip must be willing. After cleaning a person or an area the caster chooses a simple clean scent to the area (lemon, lavender, new car). Abuse of this cantrip will cause the caster to smell like garbage/harsh chemicals.

Palette Swap:
This cantrip allows the caster to change one color on an object to another. If trying to replicate a specific color (like a gang color, or the color particular piece of clothing) the caster must have seen it recently or else the cantrip will produce a color close to the wizards choosing. As this cantrip fades so does the color. Abuse of this color will cause the caster to go color blind.

This cantrip allows the caster to perform a simple pyrotechnic display. This cantrip may be cast as either ‘Fountain’ or ‘Shell’. Fountain shoots a spray of sparks while Shell travels rapidly for a distance then bursts. This can be done in any basic or metal color. Both Fountain and Shell make a distinctive whistle noise and end with a loud pop. As the caster increases in level the detail of the display increases, higher level casters are even able to spell out simple words with this cantrip (at the Judge's discretion). The display done by this cantrip does not cause actual sparks but does leave a distinct sulfur smell. Abuse of this cantrip will cause the caster to stink of sulfur and ash.

Shadow Play:
This cantrip allows the caster to alter the shape of nearby shadows. This cantrip does not create shadows where there are none and the quality and detail of the shadows depends on the caster artistic ability and level. The shadows can be made to do simple movements. This cantrip does not affect Shadows the creature or any other ‘unnatural’ shadows. Abuse of this cantrip will cause the casters shadow to disappear and will attract shadow creatures.

Alarm Sprite:

This cantrip creates a tiny sprite like creature bound to a particular object or area. When this cantrip is cast the caster sets a parameter of ‘bad people’ to the sprite, no longer than one sentence. If any ‘bad people’ bother the Alarm Sprit’s object/area they get up start yelling and run to the caster at a high rate of speed. Alarm Sprites are very dumb and easily tricked. (If the caster sets a ‘bad people’ parameter of ‘people not in the party’ the Alarm Sprite might be tricked into believing that someone is part of the wizard’s party.) Alarm Sprite exists indefinitely until dismissed by the caster. A caster may only have one Alarm Sprite active at a time.

Hammer Space:
This cantrip creates a small ‘pocket’ on the casters person located at their digression. Any size or shape object can be stored in this pocket (the opening adjusts to the size of the object). This must be an object that the caster can carry (so no liquids or gasses unless they are in a container) and the encumbrance from the weight of the object is transferred elsewhere on the caster. Any number of objects can be held in this pocket. Living creatures cannot be stored in this pocket. If someone other than the caster puts their hand in this pocket it appears as a regular empty (besides some lint and sand) pocket. Hammer Space exists indefinitely until dismissed by the caster. A caster may only have one Hammer Space active at a time. If Hammer Space is dispelled by any means the objects inside erupt in a comedic fashion from the pocket.

This cantrip summons a cup full of liquid in a standard cup. This must a liquid that the user can safely consume (so no poison burning oil, or liquid mercury). This liquid provides no substance or ill effect (so you cannot get drunk off of it). There can only be one cup full of this substance in existence at a time (so if you drink the cup full of liquid, then drink another it takes the first right out from you). If the cup that the liquid is summoned from is broken this cannot be recast until the next full rest. Abuse of this cantrip will make the caster extremely thirsty and prone to dehydration.

This cantrip summons a simple spark nearby the caster. This spark lasts only for a moment but can be used to light anything that could normally be lit on fire on fire (anything that could be lit by a flint and steel). This gives of a brief second of light and if used on a person feels like a quick pinch (but does no damage). The caster must be able to see the target (so they would not be able to light the gunpowder in a bomb on fire, but would be able to light its fuse). Abusing this cantrip will cause fires not to give off warmth to the caster.

Pocket Substance:
This cantrip allows the caster to summon a handful of a chosen common material. The material is chosen at the time that this cantrip is learned. There can only be one handful of this substance in existence at a time. The caster can pull this from any pocket on their person. This cantrip lasts until the next full rest. Abuse of this cantrip will turn any food that the caster consumes into the substance while in their body.

Fool’s Gold:
This cantrip changes the appearance of any small coin shaped object to that of a gold coin. The inverse of this cantrip may also be used to make gold coins look like small coin shape objects (like woodchips or clay). This object will feel like a coin and look like a coin of the area, however any sort of head on the coin will be that of the caster (a close inspection will give it away). In the inverse the non-gold object will be hard and cold to the touch and will glimmer if light is shown on it no matter what the material. If the enchanted object comes in contact with real gold it will revert back to its original substance. This cantrip lasts until the next full rest. Abuse of this cantrip will cause the caster to mysteriously lose gold.

This cantrip produces magic tricks and small illusions, like one might see in a magic show for children. These are all quite obviously magic tricks and are quite often over the top and dissipate into sparkle, flames, bats etc.

Mage Light:
This cantrip creates a colored light similar in intensity to that of a torch. This light has to emanate from either the caster or a particular object. This light does not give off heat. The caster is able to dim this light to those of embers at will if they are able to concentrate on it. Only one instance of this light can be active at a time. Abuse of this cantrip will cause extreme light sensitivity.

Cat Eyes:
This cantrip allows the caster to see much better in the dark, like that of a cat or other nocturnal predator. While under the effect of this spell the casters eyes take on the appearance of a cat and give off a reflective glimmer if light is shone on them. Abuse of this cantrip causes the caster to take on more and more animal traits (a desire for raw meat, cleaning themselves with their tongue, long whiskers, etc.)

This cantrip summons a few glowing lights that orbit a given person. These lights give of a cool dim light, just enough to read by or to see what is inform of one’s self but not enough to light up a room. This can be cast on unwilling targets but the lights can be easily swatted away. Abuse of this cantrip will cause eye spots.

False Dawn:
This cantrip summons a brief moment of sunlight from an object of the casters choosing. This is not arcane light (like Mage Light or Ioun), but actual sunlight. It gives off warmth and effects creatures that may be weakened by sunlight. This cantrip last one turn. Abuse of this cantrip will damage the casters sleep rhythm.

Fluid Luminescence:
This cantrip illuminates any amount of a given fluid to the eyes of a caster. This includes the residue or dried fluids as well as fluids that would normally be invisible to the naked eye. This cantrip does not give any other information about the fluid. For instance, if one had selected ‘blood’ it would not tell what kind of blood it is or when it might have been spilt. Abuse of this cantrip will cause said fluid to leak from the eyes of the caster.

Gust of Wind:
This cantrip summons a brief but powerful gust of wind from the casters mouth. This wind is strong enough to disrupt flight of small creatures like insects or birds, put out exposed candles (but not torches), disrupt dust and sand, and to knock over hats and other light objects. This cantrip lasts as long as a regular gust of wind would. Abuse of this cantrip will cause shortness of breath.

Fix It:
This cantrip fixes minor damage to simple objects. The fix takes about one round to complete even if the normal task may take minutes or even hours. Examples of fixes that can be done by this cantrip are repairing a rip in a piece of cloth, attaching a button, fixing a dent, and minor household repairs. The fix cannot be anything outside the casters knowledge or any sort of advanced machinery (like clockworks). Abuse of this cantrip causes items that the caster owns to degrade rapidly.

Summon Mount:
This cantrip causes the casters mount to appear nearby emerging from beheld an object (like a wall, corner of bush) with a whinny or other appropriate noise. This cantrip will not create a mount if the caster does not have one. This cantrip cannot summon the mount into an area that would normally be inaccessible to it (like underwater or through a window). Abuse of this cantrip will cause the mount to become more and more uncooperative.

Bloodied and Bruised:
This cantrip causes bruised and bleeding wounds to appear on the targets body. This does not actually arm the target nor does it produce actual blood. The caster can choose where and how bad the damage looks on the target. This cannot be cast on an unwilling target. Abuse of this cantrip causes the caster to bleed and bruise easily.

This cantrip summons a small amount of any common spice, herb, or culinary condiment. Any material summoned by this cantrip cannot be used for alchemy or magical means (only fresh will do for that). The amount summoned is just enough for a single portion of food (a bowl of soup, not the whole pot). The caster may choose to summon this material in their hands or on top of a target dish. Abuse of this cantrip will deaden the casters sense of taste and smell.

This cantrip causes the accelerated growth/death of nearby plants. This cantrip will cause buds to flower, sprouts to grow a few inches, and leaves to grow on dead branches. The inverse can also be done. This cantrip cannot create plants from the ground (there must be seeds present) nor can it cause a plant to fully die instantly. Abuse of this cantrip will cause strange plant like growths to form on the casters body.

Magic Chalk:
This cantrip writes up to a paragraph on a given nearby flat surface in a chalk like substance. The writing is permanent unless exposed to water. The caster can choose what color the chalk is and can choose if there is a faint luminance to it as well. The caster must be able to see the surface and must be able to write. Simple pictures (stick figures) can also be generated by this cantrip. Abuse of this cantrip causes the caster to lose the ability to write.

Detect Malady:
This cantrip identifies and detects the source of a mundane malady. Mundane maladies are things like broken bones, diseases, poisons, etc. If the malady is supernatural this cantrip will only identify what kind of malady it is (‘sickness,’ ‘poison,’ or ‘curse’). This cantrip does not tell the caster how to treat the malady. Abuse of this cantrip weakens the castes defenses to mundane diseases.

This cantrip gives a waterproof veneer to an object or person that the caster can touch. While under the effect of this cantrip the target appears as if covered in an oily sheen. This cantrip also grants protections from all mundane fluids. This cantrip does not protect from any temperature related issues (jumping into an icy pond will still cause hypothermia, but the target would be dry) or effects from the fluid (coming in contact with poison will still poison you). Abuse of this cantrip causes the caster to reek of fish (in a way unmaskable by magic or mundane methods).


This cantrip alters the temperature of a given non-living object or a small area. This cantrip cannot change of temperature to a range that would harm a person; however it may make them uncomfortable. This cantrip cannot freeze an object nor make it boil or catch fire. Given the humidity of the area this cantrip may condense water vapor and create fog or rain drops. The change in temperature is almost instant and fades to room temperature over time. Abuse of this cantrip causes the caster to become extremely sensitive to changes in temperature.

Freeze/Boil Liquids:
This cantrip alters the temperature of a nearby mundane liquid to freezing or boiling. This cantrip cannot be cast on non-liquids (it cannot make ice melt, or water vapor condense). It takes about a minute for the liquid to get to the freezing/boiling point and will stay at that temperature until the end of the duration of the cantrip where it begins to revert back to room temperature. A single instance of this cantrip can effect about a cubic meter of water. Abuse of this cantrip will cause fever or chills in the caster.

This cantrip summons a simple mask. This can be anything from a simple band of cloth with eye holes cut out, a bandana that obscures the mouth, or a rough rubber facsimilia of a person or creature. If the caster chooses the facsimilia all features will be rough and over exaggerated, even a casual glimpse will give it away that the mask is a mask. If pulled off the face the cantrip dispels. Abuse of this cantrip will cause a distinct set of tan lines on the users face and will make the masks difficult to remove.

This cantrip allows a caster to tie or untie a simple knot in a nearby rope or rope like object, including bows or string instruments. The effect of this cantrip is instantaneous. This cantrip cannot be cast on a rope that is being held or used by an unwilling person or creature (so no untying a bow in the hands of an archer). This cantrip cannot be use on a knot that the caster would not be able to tie or untie themselves. Abuse of this cantrip will cause excessive muscle cramps in the caster

This cantrip allows the caster to whisper a short message to a nearby person or creature they know. The message must be quick, no longer then a few words. The caster does not need to see the target; however the target cannot be behind a thick wall, magical silence, or other obstruction that would prevent them from hearing the message. The target hears the message in their head. The caster may also choose to store the message in an appropriate vestal (jar, bottle, seashell) however if anyone, not just the intended target hold the object to their ear they hear the message. The enchanted object solely loses the message over time and lasts until the casters next full rest. Abuse of this cantrip causes the caster to lose their voice and hearing.

Palm Watching:
This cantrip allows the caster to project a simple image in the palm of their hand. The image is photo realistic however the colors are washed out, the image will occasionally flicker, and it gives off a dweomer. The image may be animated and must not exceed the size of the casters palm. If anyone touches the image, the cantrip dispels. Abuse of this cantrip will cause the images to be burn into the casters palm.

This cantrip forces the target to involuntarily blink, nod, itch, giggle, wink, twitch, yawn, or some other small body motion. The target can resist the urge just like any natural response if they are in a situation where it would be inappropriate for them to indulge the urge. Abuse of this cantrip causes the caster to be perpetually itchy.

This cantrip allows the caster to alter the appearance of the garments of a willing target. This does not change the nature or the material of the garment. A wool scarf is still a wool scarf, but a wool scarf affected by glam is a very nice wool scarf. A close inspection of the item will give away the cantrip. Abuse of this cantrip will cause clothes worn by the caster to experience excessive ‘wardrobe malfunctions.’

This cantrip can be used to generate numerous little miracles that make the caster appear more impressive. Eyes can glow strange colors or appear to leak energy. The caster may be bathed in a radiant magical aura or cause the air to crackle with energy. A gentle breeze may blow to whip the casters hair or cape. Lights may dim or flicker as they enter the room. Their voice may echo or boom (no more than they can normally shout however). The caster can dismiss this effect at any time. Abuse of this spell will cause the caster to go cross eye, and bucktoothed.

Mage Hand:
This cantrip summons an unseen hand to preform simple actions. This hand cannot perform actions that would require complex dexterity (no poking, punching or manipulating objects beyond picking them up or pushing them around). Mage Hand is strong enough to move 1lb objects. Abuse of this cantrip will cause the casters hands to shrink.

This cantrip allows the caster to alter a willing targets hair. This applies not only to the hair on one’s head but beards and body hair as well. This cantrip will not work on bald creatures or creatures that would not normally have hair. Hair can be styled from the mundane or to the wildly fantastic. Large and impossibly shaped hair will always hold its shape. This cantrip last until the casters next full rest. Abuse of this cantrip will cause balding and excessive hair growth, in all the wrong places.

Mage Thread:
This cantrip summons a mile long faintly glowing string that follows the casters trail has they move around. This thread is not affected by standard physics and will even hang in the air. This thread can be purposefully severed, however the caster will be aware where this was severed. This cantrip lasts until the casters next full rest. The caster may choose to sever their own thread at any time, ending it abruptly at that point. Abuse of this cantrip causes the loss of spatial awareness.

Prehensile Tongue:
This cantrip makes the casters tongue prehensile and gives it the ability to grow up to four feet in length. Prehensile Tongue effectively gives the caster a third arm. The caster can do anything that they would normally be able to do with an additional arm, like grabbing on to things, manipulating things. The tongue may also effective be used as a whip or a rope, but not as a weapon. While this cantrip is active the casters voice is distorted, but not so much as to affect their ability to cast spells. Abuse of this cantrip causes the casters tongue to go numb.

This cantrip allows the caster to shoot water from their fingers. The caster can choose jet, stream or mist and a few ounces of water will come out. This water can be used to extinguish small fires however it cannot douse magical flames. The water for this cantrip is taken from the casters body and casting it too many times in a row will cause dehydration. Abuse of this cantrip will cause bladder issues.

This cantrip allows the caster to mark an object with their personal glyph. This effect is permanent unless dispelled or written over by another caster. This glyph is recognizable by all other casters; however it may not be known who the caster of the mark is. This glyph cannot be cast on a living creature. Abuse of this cantrip will cause strange tattoos and birth marks to appear on the casters body.

Summon Tool:
This cantrip summons a simple tool that the caster owns to their pack. The tool must be simple, like a hammer, pole, shovel, or simple musical instrument and must be owned by the caster. Things like weapons or any sort of machine more complex than a pulley cannot be summoned by this cantrip. The caster must actively dispel this cantrip while holding the tool to have it return to where they have summoned it from. Failure to do so will cause the tool to fade into nothing. Abuse of this cantrip will cause random items the caster owns to go missing (often at the most inopportune time).

Summon Clothes:
This cantrip summons an item of clothing that the caster owns to their pack. Acceptable items of clothing are things like gloves, scarfs, coats, shoes, and not armor or equipment. The caster must actively dispel this cantrip while holding the item to have it return to where they have summoned it from. Failure to do so will cause the item to fade into nothing. Abuse of this cantrip will cause random items the caster owns to go missing (often at the most inopportune time).

Minor Golemancy:
This cantrip allows the caster to make a minor golem from a given substance. The golem can be in the shape of any creature however it cannot be more than a few inches high. The golem can follow very simple one word commands. Giving it more complex commands has a chance to make it fall apart. Abuse of this cantrip will cause small golems to appear around the caster and pester them.

Shape Substance:
This cantrip allows the caster to manipulate a given substance into a desired shape limited only by the casters artistic ability. Once formed, the substance will stay in the desired shape until the cantrip dispels or another instance of this cantrip is cast. This cantrip can affect up to a cubic meter of substance at a time. When this cantrip is chosen the caster declares what substance they want to shape.  This cannot create or destroy the substance only modify existing instances of it. When this cantrip is selected the caster chooses what material it is they wish to be able to shape. Abuse of this cantrip causes the caster to start sneezing in the presence of the substance.

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