Sunday, January 28, 2018

Flora and Fauna of the Sea of Statues

Stonelouses: Large territorial wingless bugs that infest many of the statues and bore large holes throughout the colossi.

Iouns: A creature or a group of creatures that look like a flying school of fish but are made of shards of crystals that dart rapidly from statue to statue and preform strange mesmerizing dances before embedding themselves into the rocks to rest.

Steinjagers: Large gray cat like creatures with a head like a leech that stalk the ruins for prey. Their coats at a distance look like shiny fur, however; close inspection shows that they are made of very thin and hard crystals. Incredibly hard and very beautiful, their pelts go for high prices in the Known Seas.

Chamelion Bats: Small winged creatures similar to bats in the Known Seas but with horns and can change the color of their fur to best match their roosting stones. They hunt Stonelouses, large fish, and the occasional person in large swarms.

Flintbergs: Large iceberg like creatures that appear to be made of interlocking boulders that extremely territorial. They are thankful slow. They communicate with one another with loud cracks and rumbles that sound like avalanches.

Visage Eels: Muddy green docile eels with baby like human faces. While edible, consuming or even touching the creatures is considered taboo by most.

Glowshrooms: While are found in many other seas, grow here in great number. It is not clear why the Glowshrooms grow so well here but speculation is that the abundance of god metals in the statues plays a part.

Sauhagin: The shark like fish-folk, have mutations that set them apart from their cousins in other seas and that make them particularly dangerous. Their scales are a dark gray which allow them to remain nearly unseen is the crevices and are covered in poisonous spines. They are mostly concentrated in the Forest of Fingers.

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